a quality work without compromise!

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Get our manufacturer price !

By buying directly from the manufacturer, you're sure to get the best price. This is why Aluminium Walker is able to offer a very competitive price. We are manufacturer and installer of all our fibreglass and aluminum products.

Our workshops are effective and can make and deliver your aluminum railings and balconies fiberglass in 7 days.

A quality work !

Trust our experienced team now. Professional for over 25 years, we have the attention to detail and the desire to satisfy our customers 100%. Our multifunctional team will meet to your expectations.

For all these reasons, we guarantee the quality of our work.

Installation information

Our custom factory-made products will fit perfectly with your renovation. Our experts will gladly inform you about our products and the installation details if you want to install our products by yourself (fibreglass balconies, aluminium railings, fibreglass steps …). Ask an installation service expert for any questions or information.

Installation service:


All our fibreglass and aluminium products
installation are made by :

Construction Walker